"Today salvation has come to this house, because he, too, is a son ofThis is the proclamation with which Jesus answered the crowd’s bewilderment at His acceptance of Zaccheus. We have long taken this story as the great example of a short man giving up his ways of sin and giving his life to Christ. Zaccheus was lost (in sin as a tax collector) and Jesus called him and saved him.
Abraham. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was
--Luke 19:9-10 (NASB)
But is this what really happened, or have we missed the deeper meaning of Jesus’ mission? If we read the previous verse (v. 8) in various translations, we get a muddy picture of Zaccheus life: was he pledging to begin giving half his possessions to the poor and paying back fourfold any ill-gotten gains, or was Zaccheus avowing what his current practice was? If you look at the Greek, I believe, the latter is the better translation (I’m no Greek scholar, so I rely on others). Zaccheus was a pious man, despite his despised profession; if Jesus came to seek him, he who was “lost” but not in the sin we supposed, then what did Jesus mean by calling Zaccheus lost?

It is an enigma to me that I often see the world doing a better job of embracing the lost than do the arms of the body of Christ. I have read in several blogs lately of people desiring to stand up and seek the lost. People who are starting to visit nursing homes, visit orphanages, etc. How have we all been doing on the talk we made? Are we acting on our words, on the call of Jehovah? For Erin and I, we are working on becoming sponsors for a child at a children’s home in South Texas, near the Mexican border. We want to monetarily support this child; but we also wish to be a physical and emotional boon to this child, taking him or her into our home occasionally to give a chance at a life away from the cottages and other children. I’d love to hear how others have been brought to serve Christ by touching others.
And I thank God that he brought Erin to me to teach me something of how to care for others.
Tags: Orphanage, Nursing Home, Lost, Jesus, Christ, Service, Ministry, Zaccheus